HomeInteresting PlacesThe Marie Gas Spring

The Marie Gas Spring springs


Náměstí míru
Františkovy Lázně
351 01


The Carbon Dioxide Gas Spa with the Marie Spring - a source of dry CO2.

The Marie Spring sources in the building of the Carbon Dioxide Gas Spa near the colonnade.

It is used for gynaecological purposes (dry sitz baths) and for group gas baths (baths of the lower extremities).

Carbon dioxide is very significant in the creation and the occurrence of mineral water. On one hand, it helps the mineral water get to the earth’s surface, and on the other hand, it has a hand in enriching mineral water with minerals.

The Carbon Dioxide Gas Spa is only accessible for the procedures of spa patients.

  • Collected in 1801
  • Depth 2.0 m
  • Gas flow rate 96 l/min

Gas contents in sample in %

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) 98.84

Contents of non-acid gases in %

  • Nitrogen (N2) 1,1
  • Argon (Ar) 0.026
  • Oxygen (O2) 0.0189
  • Methane (CH4) 0.00673
  • Helium (He) 0.0033
  • Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) 0.0004
  • Ethane (C2H6) 0.003

Use: Dry carbon dioxide gas baths gynaecological procedures.
