HomeTripsThe Prehistoric Grave Field at Žírovice

The Prehistoric Grave Field at Žírovice

Trip information

  • Termín není naplánován
  • Distance - 4.4 km

One of the most significant archaeological locations of West Bohemia, where in 1957-58, several dozens of cremation graves of the urnfield culture were discovered. The items found are now in museum collections, and only inconspicuous reminders in the terrain remain from the graves and tumuli today.



The grave field dating to the Bronze Age is located not far from the village of Žírovice, above Mlýnský fishpond. The first, and now lost, findings date to 1880, and later the grave field was damaged by sand mining.

The actual excavation was not commenced here until 1930, when a spa guest from Prague found the first ceramic vessel in the sand mine, at a depth of 50 cm. On a relatively small area, the remains of two main circular tumuli were discovered, as well as 50 smaller urn graves. Are you wondering what a prehistoric burial looked like?

After burning the deceased on a pyre, their ashes, along with sand and the bone remnants, were poured into a vessel called an urn, or ash receptacle. This was placed into a shallow pit, surrounded by stones, and covered with soil.

A settlement with the remains of wooden buildings and fire pits is located in direct proximity to the grave field. These cremation graves belong to the so-called Cheb group of urnfield cultures from the late Bronze Age, dated to the period of 1300 - 1000 BC. Today, only the foundations of the tumuli can be seen at the grave field, and you can read more detailed information about it on the entrance panel.