HomeTripsThe Komorní Hill Educational Trail

The Komorní Hill Educational Trail

Trip information

  • Termín není naplánován
  • Distance: 1 km
  • Change in elevation: 29
  • Difficulty: Easy

Stops on the route


The Komorní Hill Educational Trail focuses on geology and history. You will find interesting information on three information boards.

The educational trail has a length of approximately 600 metres, and you can start it from either direction. The first option is at the edge of town, by the road leading to Klest. In the opposite direction, you can get on the trail at the edge of town from the road leading to Slatina.

However, we recommend the first option to better understand the information on the information boards. In this direction, the trail first rises through the forest, almost to the very top of Komorní hůrka Hill, and then slopes down to the east, towards the quarry pit. The trail leads around the quarry, and then continues east all the way to the road.

The path is unpaved and is thus not suitable for prams or bicycles. Options for parking on site are limited.

History and Research of the Volcano
Geological Evolution
Volcanic Rock