HomeInteresting PlacesThe Forest Park by the Natalija Spring

The Forest Park by the Natalija Spring parks


Pod Lipami
Františkovy Lázně
351 01



After the Natalija Spring was unveiled in 1919, the peat bog located to the east of the spa was made publicly accessible. In 1930, a new colonnade was built here, and the promenade leading along the embankments of Slatinný Creek and the fens was renovated. The symbol of the forest park could be the ever-present birch and aspen trees. Untreated birch trunks were used to create bridges, shelters, and park benches.

In the 1970s, a rosarium called the Children’s Rose Garden was established in front of the Natalija Pavilion as proof of the therapeutic powers of Františkovy Lázně. This included a decorative sculpture - a large three-piece relief with the motif of a mother and her children. However, the roses of the rosarium never lasted very long. The rose bushes gradually died off, until they disappeared completely. In 1989, the statue of Mother and Child by the sculptor from Mariánské Lázně, Vítězslav Eibl, was installed in the centre of the square in front of the Natalija Pavilion.

In recent years, the forest park is again being renovated. It was renewed in 2016 with the access to the Žofie Spring, which sources behind the colonnade of the Natalija Spring. A new plank walkway was constructed on the waterlogged forest bedrock at the very edge of the forest park.
