HomeCultureThe Blue Danube

The Blue Danube Concerts

Date and place

  • organizer:Městské kulturní středisko
  • date:13. March
  • time:19:30 - 21:00
  • place:Divadlo Boženy Němcové, Ruská 102, Františkovy Lázně
  • admission:260, 320, 350, 380 Kč


The Original Marienbad Salon Orchestra with concertmaster Hana Hložková will perform. Sung by the soprano Gabriela Kopperová


On the beautiful blue Danube

Orpheus in the Underworld - Overture, Vilja Lied (The Merry Widow), On the Beautiful Blue Danube - Waltz, Banditten - Galop, Waltz Anna-Elisa from the operetta Paganini, Fritz Gerhard - Story Espaňa - tango, "Indian Love Call" from the operetta Rosemarie, Czsardas


Aria "Nur einmal..." from the operetta Die Perlen der Jungfrau Serafin

Du und du - Waltz based on motifs from the operetta Die Fledermaus, Vergnügungszug - Polka-schnell, Saffi's aria from Der Zigeunerbaron, Enrico Toselli - Serenada, Frederick Loewe - Habanera (from My Fair Lady), Frederick Loewe Ich hätt getanzt heut' Nacht (from My Fair Lady)

Programme subject to change

