HomeCultureSunday marches of majorettes and brass band in housing estate Dolní Lomany

Sunday marches of majorettes and brass band in housing estate Dolní Lomany Social events

Date and place

  • organizer:Městské kulturní středisko
  • place:parkoviště u jídelny ZŠ, Májová, Františkovy Lázně
  • admission:Zdarma


Every last Sunday in the summer months, the traditional march of majorettes and brass bands moves to the housing estate in Františkovy lázně.

The march starts in the parking lot next to the school canteen in Májová Street, then continues to the bus stop Dolní Lomany - housing estate, then to the intersection of Žižkova and Táborská Streets and finally through Anglickou Street to the Primary School.

24. 9. Sunday

(The program can be canceled due to the bad weather conditions.) 

