HomeCultureLinha Singers- legendary musicians from Prague

Linha Singers- legendary musicians from Prague Concerts

Date and place

  • organizer:Spa Resort Pawlik Aquaforum
  • place:Císařské lázně, Františkovy Lázně
  • admission:300 Kč,100 Kč pro hosty hotelu Pawlik, Luisa, Jesenius, Belvedere, Dr. Adler, Metropol, Tři Lilie


LINHA SINGERS is a group of singers and instrumentalists whose musical language deliberately crosses the boundaries of several musical genres. The distinctive way of presentation is mainly due to the sophisticated combination of various singing techniques derived from classical, folk, chanson and jazz music. The singers can thus sing even difficult parts of musical instruments without imitating or caricaturing them, but they can also make full use of the natural qualities of their voice - its colour, mobility and inimitable expression. All of this is provided they also intone accurately, feel the rhythm, and interact with each other at a level reminiscent of the discipline of string quartet players.
