HomeTripsEasy Cycle Trip to Cheb

Easy Cycle Trip to Cheb

Trip information

  • Distance: 6 km
  • Difficulty: easy

Stops on the route


Starting from the Tourist Information Centre in Františkovy Lázně, set out along cycle path No. 2179 along Slatinný Creek, passing the Natalija Spring on the way and riding under the viaduct, heading out in the direction of Tršnice. You will take a right, connecting to the Ohře Cycle Path No. 6 EV 4 in the direction of Cheb, and continue along the river all the way to Cheb Castle. The historical town of Cheb deserves a tour.

You will discover what to see and when in Cheb at the information centre, located on the square. Tel.: +420 354 440 302 infocentrum@cheb.cz