HomeLázně & wellnessProceduryContrast Foot Bath according to Kneipp

Contrast Foot Bath according to Kneipp


Kneipp’s contrast foot bath, sometimes called Kneipp’s pavement, is a hydrotherapy procedure discovered by Sebastian Kneipp.

It consists of two basins: most often these are specially adapted pools or streams with pebbles. As is typical for Kneipp’s hydrotherapy, cold water is alternated with hot water. One basin contains water with a temperature of about 40 °C, and the other has water with a temperature of about 12 °C.

The procedure is applied so that the patient treads, or walks, respectively, through the pool with the warm water for a period of approximately two minutes, and then walks through the basin with the cold water for about five seconds. This cycle is repeated several times. The last basin must be the cold water, and then the legs are rubbed dry.

The effects of the procedure
The main effect of this procedure is the improved blood circulation in the legs, and an improvement of the overall metabolism and blood circulation. The pebbles on the stream bed massage the foot soles, and the contrast baths improve the blood circulation throughout the body.

The therapy helps relieve headaches and cold foot syndrome, has a positive effect on blood circulation especially to the extremities, and improves hardiness.