The town of Františkovy Lázně and MKS Františkovy Lázně invite you to the traditional switching on of the Christmas tree lights on the main avenue at the musical pavilion nearby the František´s Spring
The program at the first Sunday of December, the beginning of the Advent season:
Municipal Theater:
10.00 a.m. Advent concert of the Music & Art School (entrance fee 100,- CZK)
Outdoor programme at the Music Pavilion nearby the pavillion of František's Spring:
from 10.00 a.m. small christmas market and carol singing accompanied by flaxinett
from 4. p.m. througout the afternoon the night watchman playing horn and marking the hour will make sure you do not miss the switching on of the Christmas tree lights
4.30 p.m. - performance of the pupils of Primary School Františkovy Lázně
4.45 p.m. - pupils from Music & Art School Járy Cimrmana Františkovy Lázně
5.00 p.m. - announcement of the winners of the competition for the most beautiful Christmas tree decoration and shortly afterwartds the switching on of the Christmas tree lights
5.15 p.m. - well-known Christmas songs performed by the brass band PAROHANKA
Admission free
Sponsor of the switching on of Christmas Lights is ČEZ Group a.s.